Skill jump to the air to throw away a number of darts, dart bar on the ground after 1 second to explode, causing fire damage. This move single power is not high, but generally the next move is to be playing a lot. It is noteworthy that, BOSS skills often, although the cast floating in the air, but still have to determine on the ground, you can attack her body just below its damage.
Skill 3: burning flame, and the elements of the signs of skills, as long as your body is burning debuff, it will be useless Q around 5000 damage. So playing this BOSS, please stick to the presence of the priest keep disperses. Skill 4: cocoon: Ares skills with the same number of seconds tyrants body, not the specific number of times over. With tera online gold player can enjoy more skills. Red bird: Skill 1: Firestorm, release a lot of flame in front of the attack, the power of 3000 and down.
Skill 3: tracking dart throwing, throw a dart to track slow-moving players, a long duration. The darts player's running speed is with the same speed. That is as long as the move has not been hit, but the stop will be a continuous damage with tera gold. Kept running, then it certainly cannot do anything, around here we should use the portal site to get rid of these nasty things.
The BOSS is still very difficult overall, 19 off the gun after the array. There is no time to recover, immediately enter the war BOSS, BOSS and mobs and will use a wide range of Hue-yen opening attack, many people start to spike them. This requires players to start quickly when dispersed. Melee one to contain the BOSS, others one by one to eliminate bird mobs, put away the priest attention to disperse stick, if you do not care in the burn debuff to disperse immediately, otherwise you will be hit hard.
If you kill slowly, and the scene will be more and more tracking darts, action severely limited. It is difficult to have the opportunity to counterattack. You can buy tera gold to enhance your skills and force. BOSS itself is not difficult to kill, melee skills like attention to interrupt her. Behind the more difficult points, 21 off the regular points, 22 off the ogre army and the temptation to 2 birds that choose a combination of two kinds, or limit points. It is emphasized that DPS, if less than 4 people. Then the player is basically impossible task. 23 off is a lot of cattle, including 10 off the BOSS.
Level 20 is BOSS points. Thermal properties are of Dark Elf Ninja from the dead city intersection, 34 copies and some red bird from the abyss of the sunken vessel level, 39 copies. Thermal properties of Dark Elf Ninja: Skill 1: large-scale fire bomb attacks, power and range is amazing. Good range is not very far, if not difficult to avoid attention.